Friday, January 16, 2015

Why we're here

The idea for this blog was simple. I once did a little more than dabble in stand up comedy, but less than vigorously pursuing it. I was, for a while, part of a rotating set of openers/MC's at a local comedy club and it was the bomb. I think I was as funny as some and less than most of the full time road pros I met. (By a long shot)
On the nights I did not connect with the crowd (believe me, there is a reason they call it dying) I'd just always remembered what a veteran comic Conrad Lawrence once told me: "Hey man, the one thing you have over the goddamned hecklers? YOU had the balls to get up there. Fuck em." That one sentence kept me from crying myself to sleep some nights.
I think I has least had the same potential as my peers, all of us being neophytes.
The one thing that was a huge difference between me and my other local upstart comics was a new child. That means taking sure money over a long shot as a road comedian. At the time, it seemed like a wise choice. Now, it still does.
Nonetheless, not a year, month or week goes by that I have not wanted to work up a solid ten and go to some of the open mic nights in the San Antonio/Austin area. And not so oddly, virtually every job I have had since is about being in front of and communicating with people, be it public relations work (An entry to come), a community liaison for a member of Congress, vetting clients for attorneys, all direct people contact jobs. And be it in the break room, online, wherever, I never tire of making people laugh.
SO, this is my way of coming full circle again, sharing my hopefully amusing musings with you. Also, remember, there are 300 million people in America alone. If you see a bit on this page and think you seen something similar before, it's likely because you have in one permutation or another. But I don't steal material in any form. Also I will have a nice little side area where I will list the blogs of some comics I like, many not well known. As far as this blog, please remember, it's all copyrighted and if you use anything on here somewhere else, full attribution/links is required and appreciated. I hope we all have fun.

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