SO the other day I'm
showing off my healthy eating kick on social media and note that I am having
plain yogurt with cinnamon, nutmeg and sweetener stirred in and some home-made
granola on top. That's when the madness began.
Now, in all
fairness, I did get some cyber pats on the back for my efforts and a betting
pool started on when I'd actually be able to see ALL of my anatomy again
without having to lay down and prop my head up on a pillow. The over under is
September, 2015. I feel encouraged already.
The madness was the
number of posts I received warning me of the dangers of every sweetener known
to man. They sent dire warnings about my
brain, pancreas, large AND small intestines and, of course, various cancers,
tumors and early onset dementia. Then
came the links. I saw a link that said artificial sweeteners
(ARTS, for short from now on, because I hate typing sweetener and it
sounds cool) can cause depression. Who knows? Who cares? Why bother?
The one that got my
attention the most-est the fastest was one that was titled "Are Artificial
Sweeteners Ruining Your Sex Life?" Now to be honest, I was pretty sure
this was bullshit since I've been drinking ARTS for the past 30 or so years and
have humped like a bunny for the majority of them. Now, if you told me over consumption of ARTS
made you want to play "landlord and the late rent" or think of 90
naughty uses for vapor rub I'd completely believe it.
I think there was
one about ARTS causing memory loss, but, listen, I'm 53 and have packed a lot
of information, useless and otherwise into my head over the years. Like Brian
Wilson used to compose with his piano sitting in a giant sandbox, so he could
"feel the sand". Let me stop here to say that compose may be the
right word, but it seems a bit pretentious for "Tack it up, Tack it up,
buddy gonna shut you down." But I digress. I have also stored very useful
information, like you have fewer accidents making right turns than left turns.
This is why, after programming my in car GPS system for right turns only, it takes
me a minimum of three hours to get to the liquor store. Getting home is even
rougher; think about it. With all that valuable data swimming about my head,
small wonder I forget a thing or two. Like my dogs names.
When you do every
now and then get one of these dire warnings with a study attached, it is either
from a Professor that teaches at Pentecostal Theological Institute of Bucharest
or someone feeding rats the ARTS equivalent of you or I drinking 14 kegs of
diet coke a day. I know it's not a new observation, but when I checked it out,
damn it, it was true! These poor rats and mice that weigh less than one of our
freaking feet get the same amount that comes a full liter of diet soda,
repeatedly. Dear god, it's a wonder they don't have little saccharine
exploding out of them.
So keep your bad
news about my not eating "real" sugar, or GMO free 100% local honey
made by bees who only get pollen from free range flowers to yourself. One step
closer and I'll strap on a bag of Aspartame like oats for a horse and eat them
until I am a eunuch with a bad memory and a basketball sized goiter on my neck.
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